I like the way you spelled that out..being in the right frame of mind...
Thank you for sharing your sucess. It's people like you that help to motivate people like me with my life long struggle. Happy New Year!
You should be very proud of yourself. You're pictures show that you've worked very hard. What an amazing amount of weight to lose in such a small window. Congrats to you.
Love the snowballs...
Wow...he's a stud.....NOT~
LOL at number 2.
Hammer you are always going to have small minded people "Haters" who want to mess with those who are doing better for themselves. Take this an accomplishment.....someone is taking notice that you are actively doing something. They just acknowledged that you are a "go-getter." Perhaps it was someone who is secretly envious…
This is helpful- thank you for the tips.
I feel ya...sad that it happens to us women so often. Especially difficult since our hair is our crown of glory...oh well...I guess that's why hair extensions have become so popular...
Hair loss has been one of my biggest problems concerning dieting. I was on a commercial (JC) program a few years and lost 20 lbs. For some reason my began falling out really a lot. This was especially true when would take a shower. I would have mini pony tails of hair coming out. I contributed it to the dieting. Well over…
Could be worse- Taco Bell?
I too use white noise. I have a white noise table top machine that I purchased from JcPenny years ago. I am a light sleeper and cannot listen to the noise outside.
I so need to be in OnederLand..been skimming the 200 mark for as long as I can remember...can't get over that hump. Ug..
Ok,,,correction....make that Much and a long week.
What a difference that must weight lost makes. Great job and thanks for sharing the pics.
First of all let me give you a hug and say congratulations on your healthy lifestyle. I too am having similar problems and issues so you are not alone. I've had the thyroid testing (normal) and other tests that are clinically normal. I would look into the adrenal fatigue issue. I believe that is what I suffer from. I too…
You too Amanda?! This is driving me crazy. I think if I could get below 190 I would be well on my way.
Congratulations to you. What a great accomplishment..Can I ask if you had a difficult time crossing that 200 mark?
Congratulations to you. It's people like you and pics like these that are so inspiring.
Misery likes company I guess.
Emma thanks for your input this was very helpful
Good for you. Great job. :wink:
This was awesome!
I would have to agree on this one...would love to say that to some haters at work..lmbo.
Isn't it amazing how caddy and immature people can be...especially'd think they'd be supportive. Good for you for saying something. Don't let the ignorance of others bring you down. You are doing great! Kuddos to your trainer...
Hi Wannabe. I am on every day and try and comment on all of my friends sucesses. Add me if you'd like..I'm on this journey too.
What an accomplishment..Good for you.
Thank you for sharring.
Maybe it's in the fall air....Been craving sugar and bread really bad lately...having a hard time...