

  • the hardest part of longdistance is its hard to trust , and i dont bame her why she is likes this , i hurt a girl that really loved me loved me thats why its so hard for her to cope withs this and forget i betrayed her , im a christan but that doesnt make up for the mistakes i did
  • my ex wanted space and i didnt talk to this girl for 6 weeks , does this really show i cared for the other girl , i really didnt , there was nothing wrong with my girlfriend , yes space fustrated me because ive never been in this situation before and did not know space is good for a realtionship , i forgot to mention my…
  • i was the one that talk to a girl , and the reason i did this because i had trust issues in our realtionship , i was scared to get rejected , i know it was wrong of me to talk to a girl online , the worst thing about this i was in a long distant relationship with my girlfriend that i met online , i told her before she…
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