

  • When you've been significantly overweight, you produce a hunger hormone that sends faulty signals. If you know you have eaten enough, you have to learn to ignore it. It's a brutal beast, and it can be triggered by a drop in weight. If you don't want to be hungry at certain times, like later at night, save some calories for…
  • Aldi is a cousin company to Trader Joes <3. Their shopping idea is very much like Ikea; you do more for yourself (bags, bagging, cart return) but the prices are great. I am a single mom and wouldn't be making it if Aldi weren't here. The produce is less expensive, and you just have to know how to pick good produce, like…
  • There are all kinds of quick workouts on Pinterest, videos, follow along charts,whole plans. . . .
  • Machines are typically calibrated to a 150 lb. person. If your machine can input weight and age, go ahead and trust the machine.
  • 5'4" SW 204 CW 171.5 GW 154 I am an identical twin too! We are gym buddies.
  • Kohl's has a Champion bra that I (36DD) can wear for high-impact aerobics. When the 30% off rolls around, it helps. I scored one at TJ Maxx for $9.99 this week end. Jockey's high-impact doesn't do the trick.