walnut Member


  • I think it's funny that it was given to you by your dentist... you would think that someone whose job involves leaning over people's open mouths all day wouldn't want to encourage garlic consumption :sick: :laugh:
  • Awesome!! You look great! :flowerforyou:
  • Okay, I bombed big time this weekend. Three days of starting over. Tomorrow is another Day 1!
  • I really don't have time to debate this with you all, but I just can't go without responding to this post and the ones agreeing with it. There has been SO MUCH evidence to support that global warming is real and is going to pose a threat to us if it isn't stopped, and that the climate change that is going on right now is…
  • Couldn't have said it better myself.
  • I know you said it's probably not from the elliptical, but I was having muscle spasms in my back a few years ago and was using the elliptical as my main exercise at the time. One doc told me to make sure I pedal backwards on the elliptical for as long as I pedal forwards so the muscles can balance out - you don't want one…
  • Stretching after your workout will really help reduce soreness too.
  • Four days down and starting Day 5!! I almost can't believe it. So far this week no sugar, refined flour, alcohol, or processed foods. I can't believe how much food I have to eat when I'm not eating any of that crap. Man, is that stuff a calorie hog... For everyone celebrating with drinks tonight, I just want to share…
  • I'd eat it. If it tastes weird, then stop. But otherwise it's probably fine.
  • Yeah! Day two for me! And I just sat for 8 hours at a table with cake that looked like it had a million calories. Although I kind of wanted to eat some at first, knowing I'd have to start over with this thread and with my 10-14 days of clean eating was enough to make me not want any. Already I feel a little better in some…
  • Alright, count me in, too! Tomorrow will have to be my day 1. I'm planning to (soon) start a 10-14 day period of no sugar, refined flour, processed foods, or alcohol. Soon as I can figure out what I will be eating in advance. This is my plan for breaking the habit - avoiding foods that trigger binges for me for awhile.…
  • We hang it outside as often as the weather will allow. Sometimes I end up putting my laundry off for too long just waiting for a sunny day.
  • Thanks for the reminder! :wink:
  • maybe try angieslist.com?
  • thanks for the tips, everyone. It's good to know that there are cheap butt-softening options out there!
  • Howdy folks, (especially all you bicycle aficionados!) I recently purchased an old Schwinn from the 80's or so and have ridden it 3 or 4 times. Each time my butt has been sore later and the next day or two. My bf, who is a former bike messenger, insists this will go away. I think it's a different kind of sore than he…
  • Ooh, I periodically have this problem with the fruity, sweet or sour stuff. I've found it helpful to tell myself whenever I'm craving it that what I really want is fruit. Often, if I eat something flavorful enough, like an orange, mango, or pineapple, I feel satisfied. Way less calories and way better for you!
  • Funny you should bring this up - I am having a major problem with this and was just on here looking for advice on the topic... so I really wish I knew what to tell you!
  • Definitely talk to your doctor about the side effects you're having!! Just as different people metabolize drugs at different rates, they withdraw from them differently too. Certain antidepressants and anxiety meds can have dangerous effects if you don't taper off of them correctly and in a way that works with your own…
  • Go for it!! Many people allow themselves a "cheat day" and say that it doesn't hinder their weight loss efforts. You could even just eat half of the burrito and then you'd have more calories left over for your other meals. Be careful though not to get too hungry during the day or later in the evening when you're out of…
  • Banks had a great post a few months ago on a super intense exercise routine you don't need any equipment to do... unfortunately I can't remember anything else about it enough to look up what it was.
  • Check out this article on which produce is the best to buy organic: http://climate.weather.com/articles/organicfood.html?page=1 Also, you can get organic milk. Generally if your concern is the chemicals that go into your body, it's better to buy organic higher up on the food chain - the animals we eat store all the toxins…
  • Oooh, tea drinking is a good idea. I love tea, I should make a big batch of iced. Thanks! Haha, that's too bad about your friend! Maybe he was able to avoid all the s'mores though??
  • Hi folks, I'm here to lament that I've just spent a weekend camping and indulging in copious amounts of all sorts of no-no foods, and I just learned today that I need to avoid exercise for awhile :brokenheart:. I have this terrible heat rash that isn't going away and a nurse advised me to avoid things that will aggravate…
  • Ugh, I am so frustrated for you!!! I once worked in a job I hated for almost four years. It is my personal policy to regret nothing, but if I come close to having any regrets, it's not quitting that place sooner... I wasted way too much of my life there. I wish you the best!! :flowerforyou:
  • Wow, that is a lot of water!! Did you know that it's possible to drink too much water? I don't know what amount that is, but I think it's that if you get too much water and not enough electrolytes, it can make you really sick or even kill you. Maybe someone in the medical field can comment on this. ??? With the sodium, I…
    in Sodium Comment by walnut June 2008
  • Is your boss fully aware of the extent of the situation? Maybe you and your co-workers could write him an anonymous letter about how it's affecting everyone, affecting morale, and ultimately affecting the work that's being done. I would think if he is the owner of the company he'd want to know if an employee, even if it's…
  • I don't have a hrm, but sometimes when I'm looking for any excuse to eat some extra calories I'll count it based on this website: http://www.healthstatus.com/calculate/cbc But that seems pretty unreliable - I mean, there has got to be such a variation in calories burned depending on how much effort you're putting into it.…
  • Yes, there is an international running club (actually "a drinking club with a running problem") called the Hash House Harriers. It can be a lot of fun, but their irreverent sense of humor is not for everyone. If this sounds interesting you might want to check out if there is a group in your area. They often have…
  • Try taking your normal amount of cream and gradually replacing it with skim milk - each day, a little more milk and a little less cream. If you do it slowly enough, you'll never know the difference!