

  • I've been trying to follow a coworker's advice, of cooking on the weekends, or in the week when there is time, portioning out the recipes into individual containers and freezing them. Then pulling out a selection of containers for the cooler for the day, including snacks, lunch and breakfast. By the time lunch rolls…
  • I agree, planning out your meal, savoring bites, with less distraction in the room, is a great mindful technique. It can be work, though. IT does feel like meditation, with appreciation for the food on the plate, even if and especially if it is tiny portions. I can not do it all the time. Its great at work, when things can…
  • I bet its more about the chemicals in your body from the anethesia and the loss of your gall bladder. I had mine out in 2006 and it has been a whole new set of rules. Fats are great for clearing out digestive issues (ahem), now. And apparently, after a gall bladder or appendix removal, it is common to gain belly fat. Who…