ewestsca Member


  • Congratulations! I know the feeling. When I started working out a month ago I couldn't do one sit up. Last Thursday my trainer had me do sit ups with a weighted ball. I was so keyed up from the workout that I didn't even think about not being able to do a sit up in the past until I was on my 5th one. I was so happy that I…
  • I haven't seen a change on the scale in over two weeks. However when I took my mesurements I was down 2 inches in my waist. Just keep working towards your goal and don't give up.
  • My sister in law and her husband started on this diet. She has lost a lot of weight in the month she has been on it. I personally don’t think it’s good to go on a diet. I believe diets are to short term. I believe it’s better to change your outlook on food and listen to your body. I don’t think fad diets work in the long…
  • I've been feeling the same way the last two weeks. I've been feeling so sad and down in the dumps. I don't want to be overweight any more but I keep snacking. I brought bad food into my house because i thought I could handle it. I couldn't so I told my husband last night that any bad food that's in the house he better eat,…
  • Congrats! I"m still looking for my NSV. Maybe one day.
  • I also have PCOS and the sentence I quoted was really how I felt after a while. I feel better to know that others have felt the same way and have gotten past that feeling. It gives me hope that I can also.
  • I noticed the other day that my stomach looked different. Glad that I wasn't imagining it.
  • Anytime I saw my family it was over dinner or going out to dinner. To hang out and interact with the ones you love meant to eat and drink. I also eat when I'm bored. I'm starting to realize that, and now I grab a book to read or drink water until I'm not hungry.
  • Last time I went to class I adjusted the handlebars and my shoulders felt a little better. It doesn't help that my shoulders are the part of my body that I keep all my stress, no matter what I do.
  • I've gone to 4 classes so far and I also love going to spin class. I just need to learn how to hold my arms. I keep too tight of a grip on the handlebars and in the process keep my shoulder muscles to tight. I'm still going to go next week. I'm hoping once I get my core muscles tighter I'll rely less on my arms.
  • I want to get a tattoo.
  • Your post made me smile. Congratulations to you. You have a great outlook on life.
  • Congratulations! Keep up the good work! I can't wait until I'm in the next group of numbers. SW 225 CW 214 GW 160
  • Hello. I live in Atlantia (DC area) and I'm fairly active in the SCA. I realized that I needed to loose weight when I saw a picture of myself at Pennsic. I looked old and tired. At that point I knew things had to change.
  • The same thing happened to me. I lost 10 lbs and then nothing. I'm doing the same things I did to lose the first 10. It's like, what the heck is going on?
  • I started exercising less then a month ago. Last week I was hungry all the time and felt sluggish the whole week while exercising. I thought it was because I was pushing myself to hard. This week I feel completely different. Good to know it's only Mother Nature at her finest.
  • I wear yoga pants, sports bra and a man's dry weave shirt. I hate how they make the woman's shirts shaped so they are close to the skin.
  • This summer when I saw pictures of myself and I didn't see the person I thought I was. I just saw a large, tired looking woman and realized that I didn't want to be that person anymore.
  • I also did not learn healthy eating habits as a kid. Meeting my ex husband who loved to eat also added to my weight gain. Then a combination of stress, depression and lack of will added the additional 20 pounds. I"m trying to relearn everything and to listen to my body.