chrispoll Member


  • Don't apologize about offending people. I may slip up but I know when I do and if I forget my meds, I don't blame the doc because only I am responsible for me :). Thanks for saying it. The only thing I would have to say though, is there are a few (I would say only a handful) of doctors that got into it for the money and…
  • I know sodium and water intake can affect stuff like this. One thing that I was always told when trying to loose weight is also keep an eye on inches. Sometimes we may not see the pounds coming off, but when we notice clothes fitting better and can see the inches coming off, it helps the motivation. :)
  • Sorry to hear about your Dad. It hit me hard about a year after my Dad past away and I did exactly what you want to do. I was so sick and felt horrible afterward. This was several years ago, before I had a goal to loose weight. I didn't have the best relationship with my father but I do try to remember good things about…