

  • Well done you - I lost 3lb and than have flatlined - think I need to get back on it again. Trouble is when the weather gets cooler, all I want to eat is stodgy stews and potatoes and things!!! Ah well!
  • Another lb gone - slowly and steadily!! (I wish it would go a bit faster...!!!)
  • Another pound gone!!! Slow and steady......
  • well, I'm going to join in with my 1lb lost - it's in the right direction, and I feel positive!!! Well done everyone!!
  • I'm going to weigh weekly - and as I did my first weigh in on a Sunday morning, then that is what I'll stick to - I'm not fussed about a weekly weigh in for everyone - if we just all post as and when we feel like it, then it's all good!!
  • I'm Jud, I'm 38 and I live in London. I weigh 175 pounds (12 stone 12) and I'm 5'1". I would like to get below 11 stone, as a first goal, but my issue is more about getting fitter. Like Poppy, I'm happy with curves, but I'd like to sort out tum and thighs. I have 2 young kids, and work part time for someone else, and…
    in Intros Comment by Judley74 August 2012