laureldlyons Member


  • I tend to make enough for dinner each night to be able to bring some in for lunch each day. It can get a little boring but it's a lot easier to only have to prepare one healthy meal a day but because I know I'm eating if for two meals I tend to think about it a bit more and try to make it tasty. Plus it's less awkward than…
  • Just posted that quote without my reply! I'd be up for weekly weigh in. Can it not be Monday? I know I'll still be a little naughty at weekends :S xx
  • Does anyone fancy having a weekly weigh in thread? We could pick one day of the week as our 'day to weigh' and help to motivate each other? Just a thought x
  • I tend to weight myself in the morning and the evening everyday, which is a little obsessive but means notice how much I fluctuate throughout the day. I average about 5lbs morning to night. Which seems a lot! I'd worry with weekly that I'd get upset at not having lost any when it was just general fluctuation, but you weigh…
  • Another post, I think I'm already too in to this. But, realised my food diary was auto set to private, I've changed it to share with friends, so if anyone else wants to make theirs open to friends (/be my friend) so I can steal food/meal ideas that would be lovely! Thanks x
  • Hello, I'm Laurel, I weigh 161pounds and am 5' 8". I know I'm not a massive lard-*kitten* but I'm very gradually getting bigger and I want to get it under control. Plus I'd really like to stop breaking the belt loops on my skinny jeans when I try to pull them over my thighs. I'd like to get down to 140pounds ideally, but…