RobJSoccer Member


  • Legs & Back are down! Week 2 is almost in the books for me. I'm seeing a lot of improvement in how many pullups I can do. I'm also able to stick with the wall squats for almost the entire time (have to rest some still). I really upped the intensity today because I'm starting to feel like I can handle it. Had to do some…
  • Ya'll are killing it! Way to go people!
  • Much thanks! How's your journey going?
  • Day 10 in the books! Knocked out Arms & Shoulders/Ab X today. I didn't go quite as intense because this is my first time doing Arms & Shoulders because I had to skip the first week due to extreme soreness. I went fairly light because doing these workouts for the first time in a long time sometimes puts my body in a state…
  • Completed Plyo X this morning and felt great! One question, does the weight tracker on this site automatically update based on the your calorie deficit or do you have to weigh in to tell it if you lost weight?
  • Wow, I'm reading about some great results/milestones here. Congratulations to everyone. Glad you are seeing the results you want and doing crane! All is good here, I just finished chest & Back/Ab X starting my second week. I am already noticing a difference in my body but, I didn't take any official measurements, so I…
  • Great job on reaching the 100's! That is fantastic. I agree with Nicole maybe just get what you body needs to break even for a few days to satisfy the hunger and, then, continue after that with the calorie deficit. I hear it is good for a small period of time to come out of a calorie deficit and reach equilibrium to stoke…
  • Day 5 in the books! I had to switch Kenpo X with Shoulders & Arms because my triceps were still really sore. On Day 6, I will be hitting Shoulders & Arms/Ab Ripper X. Feels good. I've already lost a few pounds this week. I don't know if most of it is water weight (Probably is) but, I didn't really expect to lose any weight…
  • Thanks for the encouragement, I look forward to being at the 2 month mark, how are your results so far? Keep it up!
  • Fantastic, didn't know there was a fellow P90Xer on Day 4 as well. I know, I find the 1st half much more challenging also. I really enjoy getting to stretch out my hamstrings and calves. Even though it's boring at times, I think I get the most benefit from this workout than almost all the others. Keep up the good work!
  • Well, just knocked out Day 4, Yoga X. I got up earlier than usual because I knew this workout would take a long time. Well, my son woke up early again but, my wife was gracious to watch him while I completed the workout. I completed an hour then I called it quits. I felt fine to keep going; in fact, I felt great because my…
  • Thanks, Kala, I'm looking forward to keep pushing play too. I've been staying with it so far by just getting to bed early and looking forward to the protein rich diet I get to eat now. Keep it up as well. Thanks for the encouragement!
  • Nice, I'm feeling that 4:30 AM wake up tomorrow too, because...yes, it's Yoga X time. Haha, well it's good your daughters are providing some extra resistance. Glad your seeing some awesome results. I'm hoping after the 1st two weeks I'll see some good results to stay motivated and on top of this program. The third week is…
  • Yes, Honestly I wish the workout was more like an hour long but, I just need to do it because I think I will get the most benefit from flexibility. I can barely touch my toes sitting down with legs straight out in front and, that is not good. Good job on plyo, keep it up!
  • I'm not the most exacting person but, I noticed some of you wondering what kind of calorie burn you were getting per P90X exercise. Well according to this website: You burn an average of 600 calories per P90X exercise. I know this can vary…
  • Hello, My name is Rob J and, I have started P90X multiple times; the running joke is I call it P21X because I only get through 21 days. I'm in relatively good shape because I play soccer but, I want to lose about 10 lbs, increase my flexibility, and increase my sprinting speed and agility. I am trying to do P90X during…
  • You can delete this post, I'm not sure how to delete posts yet. Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • May I join? I'm looking to stay committed to the full 90 days but, I need support to keep going. I have lots of obligations with family/work/school and, I need the community support to keep going during the 90 days. I saw this post when I was searching on google to stay motivated for p90x starting on 20 Aug 12 (I did not…