

  • I think that P90X is fine. There is also Chalean Extreme which is based on lifting heavy weights with lower reps and doing two days of interval training. Honestly any of the programs would be fine if you remember to go at your own pace and work up to it. Have you considered some of The Biggest Loser DVDs? That would be…
  • You do need the subscription to view calories burned and cannot use the display without it. I just had to renew mine after letting it lapse. The reason is, your bodybugg is registered to you as a user in order to use your personal measurements, age and gender into consideration to accurately measure calories burned. Once…
  • I was a Bodybugg coach for about a year and also use the bodybugg myself. It is a great tool and does estimate resting calories based on your weight, age, etc. When you get your actual reading for the day, it does take resting calories into consideration. I no longer sleep wearing mine because I found that their estimate…
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