she2cute Member


  • ^haha We need upvotes, and downvotes here. :D
  • Meet my husband ya'll. He's a know it all. :neutral_face: BTW. Put a picture up.
  • Look up a dialysis diet. Less protein, potassium, mag and phos than a "normal" diet. :wink:
  • Well, I'll back down on some things but really, too much protein for a person with kidney issues WILL indeed hurt them, lead to dialysis for life or kill them. They just have to be careful to not eat too much protein, stay within a goal range.
  • Hey Fruitychix! I don't live in MI, in NC. You can add me if you'd like! :) I've been counting calories and eating pretty much whatever for about a year and a half, got pregnant, trying to lose the weight again, and in the last 2 weeks, I've switched over to a ketogenic diet, go to the gym on the regular. Keep up with MFP,…
  • I suppose you are correct Alliwan. I'm a nurse and they're coming out with all this new research that's proving all of our other science crap wrong. I'm having a difficult time adjusting to it. However, they still do say that if you have kidney issues, to be careful. But yes, definitely watch the macros. :) If you can have…
  • I've been doing the keto diet for almost 3 weeks now and it took me a single day to get into ketosis. I'm a carb fanatic and going from 300g to <25g probably sent me over quicker. Who knows though, just like everyone else said, our bodies are different! My husband sounds like he's in the same position as you and it's…
  • I didn't read everyone's post but generally speaking, when measuring your waist it's at the point of where your waist creases when you bend over to the right or left. Try to keep it even. I do better when watching myself in a mirror. I always measure in the mornings after using the bathroom, before I put on clothes and I…
  • ShawnaDrew - Exactly what everyone said up there. I would NOT eat them unless you are on a ketogenic diet though, otherwise you'll end up clogging your arteries and gaining weight. The keto diet is really good for diabetics if you don't have any kidney issues. My husband and I are doing the ketogenic diet and we eat them…
  • I would think that getting your protein from a real food would be better than from a factory/plant. Just sounds healthier to me. I'm skeptical about the protein powders, shakes and diet fads.
  • I don't eat my exercise calories back unless I'm absolutely starving and water isn't curbing my appetite. Even then, I'll only eat a fruit or veggie to tide me over.
  • I'm 6 months pp and have been pumping exclusively. He never took to me, was a preemie baby and I just kinda got used to the pump. Now it's driving me nuts!!! But every time I think about weaning him off, I turn into a big sappy mess. SO...I've somehow managed to wean down from pumping 6-8 times a day to 3 or 4. He's…
  • You're beautiful and such an inspiration!
  • Why dump your pals? They're there to inspire and lift you up. They don't need to lose the weight for themselves in order for you to lose your weight. Albeit, it is nice reading what they've eaten for the day so we don't have to add up our own calories. :o)
  • I wish I'd quit eating pop tarts so I'd have 1100 calories left for dinner. LOL!!!! Girl, if you're under your calories and fat intake for the day, go ahead and eat the mac-n-cheese.
  • If you're letting MFP make your goals and you request to lose 2lbs per week, eat as many calories as it says to eat. If it tells you to eat 1200 calories every day, then eat just that. Not many more or less. If you burn 500 calories working out, don't eat those extra 500. You should only eat the 1200.
  • Eat what MFP recommends. Do NOT eat the calories you gain from exercising. Those calories are ones you're burning for fat loss. Make sense? lol