

  • Hi dream! Sorry I haven't responded sooner, but this last week was wild. I was gone on a run for three days and did not hardly see a computer, much less my own. Since I have Type 2 Diabetes, water and exercise are a necessity . I wasn't much of a water drinker until I met my wife. She harped at me for so long that I…
  • Hi tweety, Dont know that much about fitness coach. We, me and my family, enjoy the Wii Fit and this coming week we are getting the Wii Fit Plus. If you haven't checked it out yet, you ought to. It looks like it it going to be so much fun. My wife asked me if I was ready to dress like a chicken and dive bomb islands. It…
  • Thank you vhuber for your words of encouragement. It's nice to be around people in the same situation. It will help me a bunch especially right after the initial shock. Though I don't have plans on abandoning the site later on. It truly helps in this most trying time. Thank you. rw