I'm definitely huffing and puffing and my friend next to me is always trying to talk. Most of the time I just put my headphones in so she'll leave me alone Hana! I didn't think about the carbs at night time, I'll definitely watch for those and minimize the amount I eat at dinner! Thanks again to everyone! Sorry for the…
Thanks I'll have to try this!
Hi Hillylatcha, My friend and I decided to take Friday and Saturday off as we had both felt like our bodies needed those 2 days. I'm feeling a lot more energized today! Hope my new intake of calories supplies me with enough energy for my workouts! I'll listen to my body in the future when I'm drained!
Hi Corgarian, I thought that I should up my calorie intake, thank you for reassuring me!
Thank you so much! I'll go out and get one tomorrow!
Thank you!