RandiJP Member


  • Thanks for such a specific workout! I've just put this into my iPod and am going to crank it today!
  • Ugh, I only lost 100grams this week!! I have no idea what my body's doing. At this point the only thing I can pin down is that it works on two week cycles, small loss one week then a larger loss the next. But even that's not consistent! I exercised everyday this week and was close to my calories every day too. Just feeling…
  • Hi all, yay a NZ group! I'm Amanda, have been on MFP for 6 weeks and have lost almost 4kg! I'm 27 and 173 cm tall. Starting weight: 74kg (highest ever) Starting weight on MFP: 73kg Current weight: 70.4kg (as of last Friday) Goal weight: 63kg
  • I weigh in on Fridays too. 1.2kg down this week, total weight loss since my highest weight a couple of months ago is only 400grams off 4kg!
  • I was just about the start this topic too. Most days I am just under, or right on my calorie intake. I'm normally under for my carbs and fat. But I'm ALWAYS over for my protein. I don't know whether that's a good or bad thing? I'm lead to believe that too much of *anything* isn't good, including healthy foods. I don't want…