lwhod Member


  • The first thing that grabbed my attention was that you have been at the doctor a lot and are getting cortisone shots - steroids lead to weight gain. I would research a healthy BMI (not weight) for your body and then see where you are on that path. Keep track of your measurements, exercise consistently, record what you are…
  • Your body needs fat- your brain needs fat to function correctly. It is the carbs in other foods that are the problem not the fat. I highly recommend watching the movie Fat Head on this topic and then just start reading up on the topic. I started this venture in April without much success. I started the very end of May,…
  • I've never heard of weight loss on birth control. Agree with pp on that one. However, if you drank a lot of coke each day then you can drop a lot of weight. I had a friend that use to drink at least a six pack a day. In one month, he dropped over 20 pounds just by now drinking coke anymore.
  • Do you have Aldi's - they also own Trader Joes