

  • Thank you! That was exactly what I needed to read today. As a momma of two, possibly three children on the spectrum I struggle daily with, "what am I doing wrong" & "what can I do better"...if stressing burnt calories I'd be a supermodel.
  • I have three children who go to the same school, two ride the special needs bus & they've allowed my youngest to ride as well so there's no need for two buses. The bus driver & I are very good at alerting each other to any issues, for example if I know brayden is in one of his "moods" I will let Mrs Joyce know he will be a…
  • I'm going to give up negativity. :) try to think encouraging thoughts. Might help the stress level. And for every negative thought (great,I have to clean up the kids mess AGAIN...) I will walk two laps around our pool. :)