

  • I've been on depo for just under 2 years and I have put on 25+ pounds. I don't eat much differently and I have an active job. Just in the past 8 months I put on 15 pounds. It's very discouraging when I am exercising and watching what I eat. I just got my last shota few weeks ago and I'm switching birth control when this…
  • I don't consider myself or my boyfriend heavy. I was 25 lbs lighter when we first got together (5'3 130 lbs). He still loves me and I love him too. He put on 50+ pounds over 2 years. Your bf sounds like an *kitten* and he should like/love you no matter what. It's your intelligence and personality that matters most. Not…
  • i'm guilty of doing that before :( but if people say that to me i just tell them i don't care and it sounded delicious hah
  • Ahh I feel the same way, I need to lose about 10 pounds too and it just won't come off! Do more strength and build that muscle! Muscle burns a lot more fat. But could also be swapping muscle for fat, so be sure to take measurements and don't just focus on the number on the scale. Have you been eating a healthy 1200 cal a…
  • I feel the same as you...if only i could even make it to 15 pounds! Mine has tapered off around 8-9 pounds. Starting to wonder if my body simply does not want me to lose anymore weight. I just keep working at it.
  • When I can't/won't go to the gym, which is like 13/15 days, I just do at home strength training like push ups, sit ups, squats, light weight lifting, planks, tricep dips, yoga. Yes, it's not cardio, but building more lean muscle burns fat more efficiently than, well, fat. Where do you live? If it's nice out of decent, go…
  • I definitely agree. Yes, my initial goal was to lose 15-20 pounds, but even after 6 months I've only lost about 8. Now I make small goal like 2-5 pounds and I just go with the flow. I understand if there s an event you want to "look good" for or what not, but even just eating healthier and getting exercise will give you…
  • maybe you are gaining muscle weight! muscle weighs more than fat and if you're working out daily then you could be getting stronger. I've been staying the same weight, but i feel stronger and my tummy is *somewhat* flatter. if you're really worried about it cut back calories and work out harder. cut out treats for a few…