donnasjohnson Member


  • Great attitude! For me, it's all mental. It took WAY too long for me to also realize what I want physically has to be accomplished mentally. I see your picture includes your children...someone posted a couple weeks ago that "Children become a lifetime commitment. Your health is no different." I copied it down and have it…
  • 7/25 Last week 191.6 (a small gain) 8/1 Today 189.6 (a two pound loss) Total so far 21.2 pounds Lost two pounds!! Yay! My scales moved! I've been hovering right over 190 for more than three weeks now, and finally broke into the 180's! It's been about 15 years since I've been here! My next mini goal is to reach 185, my half…
  • Somebody posted last week about eating shrimp when they were wanting a snack and the bell went off. I love shrimp and never pick it up enough. Went straight out and bought a huge bag to keep in my freezer. I used this marinade recipe this weekend for grilled kabobs using shrimp, onions, green peppers, and pineapple chucks.…
  • I was never heavy until after I got married. In fact, I was a decent athlete in jr. high and high school. Went straight from one sport to another with track being my absolute favorite. I was a tomboy growing up and could run faster than a lot of the guys in my class. It wasn't until years later that I realized, because of…
  • Thanks for reminding me I need to start working on planking! That's something I would rather work on at home than the gym since it's rather embarrassing how short I can do it. I can start this week with some baseline times which will give me something to improve on next week. Love how you guys help motivate me!
  • M/Th/S - 15 min. treadmill (high incline), circuit training, 1 mile run T/W/F - 45 minutes elliptical My work schedule is probably going to be crazy this week, definitely can't hit the gym early, and have meetings late two nights. Can squeeze in a 2 mile walk/jog late at night in my neighborhood if I have to miss a cardio…
  • I just bought mine a week or two ago from Bed, Bath and Beyond. It's the XOX brand with the pull out reader and the zero function. I had a gift card and a discount coupon so I wasn't as worried about cost as much; it was $40 and I LOVE IT!! In past weight loss attempts, I have used cheap Walmart and WW ones, they worked…
  • Okay, I'll go next. Last week 190.2, this week 191.6....up 1.6 pounds. Knew it was going to happen when I started back with weights at the gym two weeks ago, and the main reason I joined this group. Intellectually I know it's not fat that I've put on. I've tracked everything I eaten, bought a new scale and weighing…
  • Haven't tried Quinoa yet, but have been wanting to. I'll definitely be picking some up at the grocery store. I can be hit and miss with fish sometimes, so a new approach helps there too! Here's one of my favorite salads in the summer. cubed watermelon thinly sliced red onion feta cheese crumbles ... all over a bed of…
  • Totally agree with waldenlev! It's so easy for our perspectives to be negative, when really we are having amazing success! I started in April on the elliptical only being able to do 3 minutes, and now I'm finding myself doing 45 easily. I made a decision that I would get on, and do one minute better each week. Very quickly…
  • I just packed my bag for the gym so I can stop by after I get off work. I've been going consistently since mid April and really just have been doing various types of cardio until a week and a half ago. This week I going to do a full three days of weights (12 machines, 3 sets, 15 reps) and then two or three days of just…
  • I haven't bought a HRM yet, it's on my list of things to reward myself with. I keep trying to add or do something new every couple of weeks. This week I bought a new food scale...I already have a love/hate relationship with it!! I had a little victory with my elliptical machine yesterday. When I joined the gym in April, I…
  • Hello everyone, I'm Donna...49 years old and determined to lose 50 pounds before I turn 50. Was at my all time highest 3 years ago at 225 and started that year off determined to not add another single pound. I lost 25 pounds that year, but have gone up and down and have been anywhere from 195 - 215 since then. Finally in…
  • Count me in. I turned 49 in April and decided I was going to lose 50 pounds before I turned 50. So far I've lost 20 pounds but I'm trying to keep focused on my "50 before 50" goal. I'm tracking every bite, exercising regularly, and just trying to make good, healthy choices. Not glamorous, but it's working!
  • Copy and print your post, put it in an envelope and go hand it to your high school counselor, saying I wrote this about myself. There are people in your life that can help you with this. The most obvious indication to me that you need some help in gaining a better perspective on things is that the difference beetween a…