donnasjohnson Member


  • I'm at 178.6...slowing down but not gaining!! I WILL continue to drop!
  • Hang in there! You are doing awesome! I started in April and have lost 31 pounds, and I know how hard that's been. I totally understand about the whole "ate 500 calories and are up 2 pounds" thing. My body reacts the same way, in fact I believe most people's do. That's why people quit, because the numbers lie. You can't…
  • Definitely log it. I've done it both ways, and I've found that mentally I stay in the game if I log, no matter how much I over eat. I understand where you are going with not logging, but for me that extra bit of denial just turned into an avenue to keep my head in the sand for days on end. Believe me, the food tastes just…
  • Well, I stepped on the scale this morning and was down four tenths of a pound. I'll take anything that's a loss at this point! The week before I left was extremely hard, and so I was worried about what I would do while I was gone. Today was good but not great, had to stay and work through lunch and so pizza was ordered and…
  • I'm back. I've been out of town all week at a conference and just got back home. I worked real hard at making good food choices, but it wasn't easy since I ate out 3 meals a day and was with 7 other coworkers who were eating like they were on vacation. I did pretty good, but am determined not to step on the scale tonight.…
  • Yay! Glad to see you are all still here! Hang in there lepow...when I started this group I had been staying the same (or slightly up) for a few weeks and just staying committed to posting got me thru my slump. This week has been the hardest for me in a long time...not sure why, just very busy, lots of meals I cannot…
  • I am feeling fabulous because I am still keeping at this! My husband's birthday last night and I made good choices. A little over for the day, but so what? I like that I am really starting to do this "it's a lifestyle" thing. Week after week, I'm steadily progressing.
  • This is how I do it too, except I usually use another fruit instead of the avocado. Cantaloupe, mango, strawberries, peaches...they are all good. I like it extra spicy so lots of jalapeno.
  • Made it to the gym late last night, now let's see if I go again tonight. I have a group of friends coming over for dinner, so I won't even be able to sneak away until after 9 or so. Considering how tired I am right now, it might just depend on how well I control portions at dinner!
  • I was told one time that when dealing with something that requires regular attendance...could be gym, church, support groups, lessons, etc...that the first time you miss you usually have a legitimate reason. Second is never so valid a reason, and by the time the third time comes around "I don't feel like it" has become a…
  • I LOVE my food scale! It's an OXO brand from Bed, Bath, and Beyond. I had a gift card and a coupon so it wasn't too, too expensive. It's silver, slim and sleek. I smile every time I use it. Functions include lighted panel, zeroing out, and a pull out panel to help read when using oversized plates or bowls. I got it as a…
  • This weekend is going to be tough, tons of stuff going on and lots of food and beverages everywhere I turn. Family dinner out tonight but planned in advanced so didn't go over my calories even though I didn't get a chance to earn back any extra exercise calories. One day down, three to go!
  • Not been the best week I've had, but continuing to eat right and consistently logging and plugging away. Wish I was making the gym a little more, but still getting in a steady 3-4 times a week. Last Friday night I went out to eat and just really didn't worry about calories until I got home to log it. (a planned, conscious…
  • Hey Christine, (glad to know your name!) I really appreciate the call to being more accountable. I joined this group because I was so afraid that I would start slipping with my daily log-ins, that being the first step to going back down the wrong path. Posting here has really helped me stay focused on what I need to do.…
  • Way to go lepow!!! That's a big mental thresh hold to cross! I'm down 0.4, from 185.0 to 184.6. Not really exciting but always VERY glad to record a loss. On the bright side, I'm down almost 27 pounds and I have had tons of compliments the last few weeks. I'm at the point that people are really beginning to notice. LOVE…
  • I am so sorry for everything you have been going through. I can really relate to your description of the emotional eating and then the emotional issues that follow that. I can go back through my 25 year weight gain and see where life tragedies and major events took me out of making the best decisions where my health was…
  • I've been missing some workouts too, but determined to go tonight no matter what. It's possible for me to achieve steady weight loss by diet alone, but I always end up feeling too deprived after awhile. I've already told myself that when I go tonight, I can immediately eat back my calories as a reward. Probably not best to…
  • Had a real long work day, and so had a protein bar to help tie me over. By the time I finally got home late, I was tired and hungry...not a good combination for me when I only had a little over 300 calories left for the day. But instead of snacking, I rolled up my sleeves and made a GREAT little shrimp and veggie dish that…
  • 8/8 187.8 8/15 186.0 8/22 185.0 Down a pound since last week! I'm just about a month behind you cmecme!!
  • Late night, just got home from moving my daughter back to college. Way over calories for the day because of having to eat out twice, but I logged them and tried to make decent choices in the moment. Not too upset: I've had two good weeks in a row and one day shouldn't undo that. 8/8 187.8 8/16 186.0 Lost another 1.8.…
  • Count me in! CW: 186 GW: 166 Really my goal is to lose 50 pounds before I turn 50 (April) and I just hit the halfway mark. Honestly would love to lose the other 25 by Christmas, but 20 is more realistic.
  • M - Elliptical T - Circuit/weights W- off - moving my daughter into her college apartment (third floor...that should count for something!) Th- Circuit/weights F- Elliptical S- Circuit/weights S- off - maybe go for a swim Made big exercise goals last week and didn't quite meet them, but more than willing to try again this…
  • If you are tired of starting over, then stop giving up.
  • Hang in there. I work as a daycare director and deal with tons of mothers who are trying to balance family, work, and self without guilt stopping them in their tracks. How easy for someone on the outside looking in to say it can be done better. My own mother wasn't the best, and so to overcompensate, I spent way too much…
  • I also weigh at least twice a day. I absolutely love seeing it go up and down, back up, then down again...weird isn't it? In the past, I weighed only once a week and that would REALLY depress me when I had done well for seven days and then my weight be up. I know now that it is absolutely normal for me to vary like crazy,…
  • Work has been kicking my butt...but should settle back to normal after tomorrow. When we are overworked as a team, everyone seems to bring in tons of food. Lots of early mornings with donuts and pastries, 2 different birthday cakes, two late night meetings with pizza and ice cream. I've done really, really well food wise…
  • Last week 189.6 This week 187.8 Lost 1.8 pounds! This is a loss two weeks in a row, which is fantastic because I had stalled out some back at the end of June even though I was exercising more and eating well. I joined this group because I needed the accountability and support not to drift back into old ways just because…
  • I totally relate to your post. This time around I am having more consistent success by really focusing on changing just one thing for awhile before adding another. I'm finding that mentally I'm not "giving up" at anytime because even if I slip a little on my new habit, I'm still on board with other aspect of my health that…
  • I too, have gone back and forth too many times to count. I found this quote and have it taped to my mirror. "If you are tired of starting over, then stop giving up." LOVE IT!!
  • Didn't meet all my fitness goals last week because of a crazy work schedule (and this week isn't going to be much better) but I am going to keep my goals the same and work harder to meet them. M/Th/Sat warm up cardio, circuit weights, mile run T/W/F/Sun 45-60 minutes cardio Have my gym bag packed and ready to go straight…