8-30-2012: Truthful Thursday

This week, I haven't made it to any of my planned work-outs. Schedules got shifted around and I worked all day the last 3 days. I definitely disappointed myself in that regard. And I work again tonight! Arg!

ON the other hand, I'm feeling really good about the food I am eating, I was only over my calories by 39 yesterday. And today between jobs, I am grabbing a cup of coffee with a gentleman I met last weekend. He speaks German as well, is polite and quite handsome. Just need to tell myself to feel confident and not focus on what he could possibly be thinking about my tummy, chubby legs etc. :x I hate being self-conscious!

Also, in retrospect, I realized that my rant yesterday pertained MORE to my disappointment in MYSELF than to our group. I have been slacking and I needed a big wake up call. Which, I gave to myself and you all.... so sorry about that! I hope no one found it offensive or as if I were attacking you personally. That was not at all my intention.


  • lepow
    lepow Posts: 92 Member
    Nothing too much to be truthful about . . . I had a brownie yesterday and it was delicious. I've also set new goals for myself since I reached below 200 . . . my next threshold will be 180 by Christmas. ;)
  • donnasjohnson
    donnasjohnson Posts: 71 Member
    Not been the best week I've had, but continuing to eat right and consistently logging and plugging away. Wish I was making the gym a little more, but still getting in a steady 3-4 times a week. Last Friday night I went out to eat and just really didn't worry about calories until I got home to log it. (a planned, conscious decision) I hadn't done near as bad as I would have in the past, but was a little surprised to see I wouldn't have been over by much at all if I had just passed on the bread basket. It did taste really good though!