

  • I so have CMT...Charcot-Marie- Tooth and I find it hard to lose weight also. I did get the gastric bypass surgery and it helped, but now the weight is coming back on. You just have to eat health, and small amounts and focus on just eating mostly protein.
  • good luck to you...I know what you mean. I have CMT so even at my young age of 41, I know the story. My weight came on really bad. Around my marriage of almost 19 years ago, I weighted about 180 lbs and in October I weighted 276. In December I had the gastric sleeve surgery being that I had tried things over the years to…
  • It is your scale did the same thing....I now weigh every morning using our WII board which is a lot more accurate. I know one is not suppose to weigh every day but for me its a good way to start my day and lets me know where I need to go with my calories and such for the next day.