Emergency Dept Nurse in East mids 37, 12 hrs night and day shifts, a lot of weight to loose, feel free to add me:smile:
Hi I have the same problem and years later still not properly worked it out yet , although I do find that if I have my main meal just before I go on night shift I only need a snack during the night ( however not all the time). So I would be also interested to see what advice you get. Welcome to the site its great…
Me too :happy:
Hello, Ive only been here for a few days and I find the site fantastic, feel free to add me :happy:
Seven pounds :sad: Fried green tomatoes:cry: I am Legend - where he has to kill his dog :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
Spice girls ......... Who do you think you are !!!!
1. Goonies 2. Sense and sensibility 3. Mary Poppins
I only started this week, I have a lot more the 30 to get rid of but this is a great start, please count me in:happy: