kswifty Member


  • Hi Angie! New (kinda) here too, joined last year but just calculated food, think maybe by reading and getting more involved it may help keep me motivated more! Good Luck to you! we can do this!! :happy:
    in Hi there Comment by kswifty August 2010
  • Thanks Ladies! Yep, i need to remember that any moving is better then not moving, and I do want to try diff. things, hurt my back not long ago so still babying it a bit so will start out on the bike and hopefully change it up Appreciate your inputs! :happy:
  • :happy: New here too! good luck!
    in I'm new Comment by kswifty October 2009
  • My fiance lives 2 hrs away and is only here on weekends so i think i 'allow" myself, to go crazy, eating out, skippin exercise, but cant do that anymore, in fact i'll have him walk w/ me
  • Thanks everyone! and Bren , great tips, thank you!! doing good so far, weekends are a bit scary tho ha ha