

  • Proper post workout meals should include a fast digesting protein (like whey powder) and a fast digesting carb (a serving of fruit). After strength training, your body breaks down muscle. By combining these two afterward, it will allow an insulin spike which will slow muscle breakdown and allow for muscle re-growth and…
  • I try to eat and drink things that are very minimally processed if any at all. Body by Vi (IMO) looks pretty processed. I personally love Shakeology. It is minimally processed and has antioxidants and pre/probiotics. Great shake.
  • I usually eat breakfast of Oats and Eggs and then workout 2 hours later. Then I have a post-workout/recovery shake. Here is one of my favorites... Mixed Berry Recovery Shake Ingredients: 1 tbsp ground flaxseeds 1/2 cup low-fat Greek Yogurt 1 cup frozen organic mixed berries 1 scoop vanilla whey protein powder 1 tsp…
  • I am extremely picky about my whey protein. There MANY I don't like. I use Beverly International Ultimate Muscle Protein for my whey protein and Shakeology for my meal replacements. Love them both!
  • Hi! I just completed Week 6... Woot! This is a great accomplishment for me as I have a bum knee that has never let me run before. I couldn't get past Week 4 so I am super excited! Feel free to add me to your friends! :smile:
  • Sounds great! I think I may have to try these!
  • My first choice is Chocolate Shakeology... LOVE IT! My second choice is Beverly International Chocolate or Vanilla.
  • Completed W6D1 today! Woot!