ColonCh Member


  • I also weigh myself everyday. It keeps me on track for the week.
  • I always eat my calories from Exercise back. I hear that if you don't then your body goes into starvation mode and stores fat. I have been losing about a pound a week eating my exercise calories back. If I want to cheat on food, I exercise to make up the calories. It works for me.
  • Its funny! I had the same experience! I also did 2 minutes and thought I was going to die! That was 3 years ago. I ended up working myself up to 10 minutes at a time but I progressed it slowly. When I started the eliptical a month ago, I thought I would have the same reaction as the first time but I was able to do 10…
  • I absolutely loved this weeks episode! OMG. Last season I was getting bored but I think this season will be even better!
    in DEXTER! Comment by ColonCh October 2012
  • There are several things that could be causing you pain and I would definately go see a GYN. Endometriosis is a very painful disease and there are several things they can do to minimize the pain. Although I do not have Endometriosis, I was diagnosed with Adenomyosis. Somewhat similar....after a year of major pain every…
  • SW - 165 CW - 158 Goal - 140:smile: