It looks like an awesome site. Really excited to try some of them out. The Greek burger looks really good!
I like to eat Kashi Go Lean Crunch cereal in the mornings when I'm in a hurry. The cereal is so good I don't even use milk and there's a good amount of protein. I know some people who mix it into yogurt. It's good for on the go.
Thanks for the ideas! I'll definitely try all of them. :happy: I like the idea of putting honey in it and trying different cereals for a crunchy aspect.
I have the same problem right now too. While a lot of people have told me that exercising makes them feel better, I don't really agree, I think it can depend on the person and it doesn't really for me. I do like to try and stay active though or do something, especially on the last like two days. This is kind of my first…