drailine Member


  • It's one of my modeling pics that a friend of me took while working on a project for an art show. I just fell in love with the pic; it's one of my favorites.
  • I own a 2001 Ford Focus ZX3 (manual) with 224,000+ miles on her and I love it. Everyone wants me to trade her in because of her age and mileage; but I've never had any problems with it. If my son gets his license this year, I'll give him this car and buy the new Ford Focus ZXT (manual).
  • As much as I hate it, I found that if I eat oatmeal in the morning for breakfast, I feel full longer. I also keep a bottle of water close by and take a drink when I start to feel hungry. If I still feel hungy 10-15 minutes after I've had some water, then I'll go ahead and eat something.
  • My son is now 18; and was diagnosed with both ADHD and ODD years ago. The ADHD diagnosis I totally agree with. He has been tested three times by different specialists and the outcome has been the same. He has been on various meds throughout the years; but the one that has helped him the most (and that he doesn't fight me…
  • I have a FB account and I use daily. I find it great for keeping in touch with friends and family that are geographically close. It has also allowed to me reconnect with childhood friends that I had lost contact with as we all moved out of the small town we grew up in. I keep my FB private so not everyone has access to it.…
  • Yes, it is possible. I lost six pounds in a day once (years ago) when I went on this very strict diet. It was all water weight though. Regarding your comment about not bragging about losing weight on FB.....gurl, allow yourself those bragging rights and go right ahead and pat yourself on the back!! Staying focused and…
  • I just recently joined here so I only have one on my friends list; but I will say that over the years I've met and become really good friends with people on other social sites...and met quite a few in person from all over the country (US) and a couple in Canada. I'm sure that I'll make and meet new friends via my journey…
  • For those of you with children, whatever you do, don't fall into the trap of cleaning their plates for them if they don't eat it all. I did that when my son was little; and boy was I sorry. It has a tendency to creep up on you and you wonder where in the world it came from. I used to be a heavy duty carb addict and…
  • Part of it might be when and how you are eating/intaking your calories. You need to spread your caloric intake out throughout the day. If you are eating all of your calories in one or two sittings a day, then you may be putting your body in starvation mode (which then tells your body to hold on to everything that you eat…
  • I'm a newbie also, and I've been using fractions for those type of entries. For example in your case 40g of 100g would be .4 See is that works for you.