

  • I considered doing a detox but after reading all these posts on the subject I think I'll just force myself to drink more water, and cut all sugar and dairy for a few days. Quick question though ... when cutting out dairy, is it necessary to cut even 1 serving of Greek yogurt a day? Would it make that much of a difference??…
    in detox Comment by arose80 August 2012
  • HI Danielle! I'm Andrea. I just started MFP a couple days ago, I just accepted my very first friend request :) Having lots of support and cheerleaders on your side is so important to meet your weight loss goals! I'm looking to lose anywhere from 15 to 20 lbs. myself :) I think we can help each other out!
  • Hi! Count me in also please!! I just started this week. I'm looking to lose about 15 lbs and need MOTIVATION!!!!!!! :)