Edimew Member


  • Hi everyone.I'm so glad someones made this all in one thread.Wish I'd noticed earlier. Just finished week 6, Its not easy but I've done it and I'm really proud of myself I've also noticed that I'm walking faster in general and my morning walk to work doesn't take as long. I'm off on holiday next week so not quite sure what…
  • Not sure what happened at the gym yesterday. Just couldn't seem to reach my previous speed on the treadmill. Dunno if it was me or the treadmill but something wasn't right. There's a lot of flu around at the moment so maybe I'm sickening for something or maybe all this new found activity is catching up with me? Anyone else…
  • Thanks, but it was a long time ago. I shouldn't have let it put me off but I was quite young at the time (and considorably lighter) and what people think is so important when you're young). Now I'm old enough not to care what anyone thinks, but I'd still like to move a bit faster in the streets so it's the gym to start off…
  • Hello I started last week walking fast outside, but I feel to self concious to attempt any real speed so last night I got myself to the gym to do it properly on a treadmill. So lets say yesterday was day one, and it felt great My brother and my boyfriend (thats two seperate people by the way ) were very keen runnners both…