

  • According to your spreadsheet (calculating it at 69 kg): Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR): 1.428 Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE): 2.157 Total Daily Eating Goal (TDEG): 1.710 21% deficit Body composition Right now: 34,06 U.S. Navy Circumference Method 21,18 Covert Bailey "Fit or Fat" book Method 27,62 Avgerage body fat % of…
  • I have been eating near to 2100 calories (normally I get to 2000) for three to four weeks. In the beginning of this process (late August), I started upping my intake slowly from 1500, I kept eating no more than 1900 calories for a month and a half (coming from a past of VLCD and binge eating in the weekends, keto diets,…
  • thanks, heybales! Your advice is always appreciated! (and it makes sense). The thing is I'm getting bigger and bigger as the days go by, I'm feeling a little discouraged, because I'm getting the exact opposite of what I want (I want to lose weight/inches). Nothing fits me anymore, but at the same time I tell myself this is…
  • No, no. I know why it happens, what I don't understand is why after rest day I'm 1 kilo up, and why after leg day and chest day I'm one kilo down (eating the same, watching sodium, drinking water,...). It seems my body considers chest day a deload or something! Regarding the workout change, the thing is I would love to…
  • Hey there! Thanks for reading me all along! Let me tell you the ups and downs of the week. During the last week, I tried to eat exactly 2,100 calories, trying to get my macros on point. The things, I always go overboard with the sugar (by 5 or 10 grams, is it something to worry about?), and seem to be short on the fats,…
  • So, again I'm late for the log day! I worked out on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, and my weight fluctuated similarly to last week. On Thursday (after rest day) I was 70, and I went crazy. Then, after leg day (that is Friday) I was 69.7, with massive DOMS. One day later, on Saturday I was still 69,7. Was it the…
  • I think I don't understand, I can't or can I? (wow my sentence is hellish I know). I'm struggling to eat new things: wholewheat pasta, quinoa, organic chocolate, more nuts, potato, cheese... But sometimes I have to fight the VLCD monster in my head. Today I weighed in after rest day and I was 70 kg. I have been really…
  • Hey! You thought I was going to miss this week? No way! So, this week after my birthday strange things happened. I worked out on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday (had a long walk on saturday before dinner), and my weight fluctuated a lot. On Thursday (after rest day) I was 69.5, and I thought it was because of the…
  • Absolutely going to follow your advice. I have eaten my normal breakfast (oats banana and whey), now making sure I drink enough water. I normally go for 3 litres a day, should I double it? The training program is a 4 day strenght training split, though it revolves around compound movements. There I go for strenght gains…
  • It's me again! This week i have been working towards eating 2100, and man somedays it was impossible! I'm making up my mind to go for a full reset and start eating at my TDEE (2300 approx if scooby is right... should I trust it? should I buy a fitbit?). As Heybales wisely pointed out, the gain was probably water weight, so…
  • I weighed again after rest day and I'm up 1 kilogram. That puts me on 69 kg. This week I have started eating around 2100 calories. I suppose this is what happens in reset! I will keep you updated. Next week I'm starting phase 2 of my workout program, which will be a 4 day split. Should I make it a whole body workout?…
  • More updates: this week has been insane. I tried Crossfit at a local box and it killed me. Anyway, I stuck to myh workout, though the last day I just couldn't finish it, you know... TOM! Again, maybe it gives an invalid number again, but well. This saturday morning stats: Weight: 68kg Training days: 3 Nia Shanks' Train to…
  • Thanks, I will follow your advice!
  • Today I weighed myself and I'm up 1 kg, I worked out 4 days and stayed in my calorie range. Maybe is DOMS, I feel very sore. I don't know whether I should lower my intake or keep on going. Again, I have a dinner party today... All these appointments are messing with the diet. This saturday morning stats: Weight: 68kg…
  • Well, the beginning of the week has been quite hard. After a Sunday without resting I started my gym routine, and my workouts have not been amazing at all. I was tired and could not make it to the end, but at least I tried. I have worked out for three days in a row with no rest, aiming at 2000 kcal. My hunger is ok, but I…
  • Hello again! As I told you I went on a trip to the mountains, did lots of trekking, uphill walking, and getting absolutely exhausted. The thing is, I went crazy with the food, specially yesterday night and today afternoon. I ate a lot of bread, cheese and sausages, and today I ate a lot of cookies and chocolate, anyway,…
  • Thanks for your kindness. Actually, I work as an English teacher in Spain!
  • That sounds logical and easy to do! I will definitely work on that!!!
  • Thanks for the answers, both are really useful! Having this said, tomorrow I will start aiming at 2000 calories, slowly increasing until 2200. Next week I will be strenght training 4 days and on the weekend I will go on a trekking trip, maybe spend two days walking in the woods, lakes and stuff. I will not pay attention to…