themaddbeader Member


  • Got my Shred on... Cardio is the only thing I feel good with :) Everything else just hurts! Keep it up!
  • Hi!!! I'm still here :) Been super busy studying for a nursing exam this Friday. Haven't been on the computer other than to study... but I've been cranking away at 30 Day Shred :) Even got a 30 minute run in today too! The weather was too nice not to! Keep it up everyone!
  • Woot woot! Just forced myself to do day 4! Came home from a 12 hour day starving and wanting nothing more than to flop on the couch and eat junk food... but I kicked my hubby out of the living room and did my workout instead :) I think I might reward myself with a cookie! See you tomorrow Shredders!
  • Hey gang! Thanks emilylostit for starting the topic! I had an early morning clinical and while I got my workout in I didn't have time to turn my computer on this morning :) Anybody who wants to please feel free to start topics.... as this will probably not be the only time I space out on it :) My workout was hard today,…
  • Finally got my work out in :) Hate admitting how good I feel after working out... Makes me seem really dumb for not doing it every day... sigh. Til tomorrow, shredders!
  • Thanks! It's better... the rest of me feels like I got hit by a truck, but my head is fine ;)
  • Nice job everybody! Now time for some motivational speaking... 30 Day Shred is no joke. Those of you who haven't done it before, be prepared. You are going to hurt tomorrow. In my opinion, tomorrow is the worst day... You hurt from head to toe and you have to do it all over again! But, once you get going on day 2 you'll…
  • I log it as "Circuit Training, General" for 20 minutes. The exercise tracker on here gives me about 180 calories burned. I have no idea if it's even close, but it's what I go with. Anything is better than nothing!
  • Started this group for anyone who wants some motivation! I find I do much better when I have some buddies to hold me accountable. Hope to see you there!
  • Hi all! I did a full round of 30 Day Shred last summer and had great results. Then I got accepted into nursing school... the early morning clinicals killed my motivation. I found having a group I was accountable to really helped. So, count me in to drag my butt out of bed tomorrow morning! And feel free to heckle if I…