

  • 39.5% definitely does not seem accurate for your pictures. here is a link to a great page that has lots of pics Marc Perry also points out that people can look very different with the same percentage of body fat. A catwalk model and fitness model will look…
  • I was a bit shocked as well when I received my result but it doesn't get more accurate than a DEXA scan. I have since had another one and am down to 25.8% body fat. All my stats are still the same except I've lost 800grams putting me at 57.2kg. But I am much stronger and have more definition around my stomach and slimmer…
  • I am 165cm (5"5) tall, 58kg (128pounds) and all my measurements using online calculators suggested I was 22%BF and scales said around 24% however I have just had a DEXA scan that says I'm 27.2%BF. Pretty disappointed considering I've been working hard to exercise and monitor my diet and I don't look like a lot of the…