Webona293 Member


  • thank you all so much for the responses...glad to know I'm not a weirdo! please feel free to friend request me the more support the merrier!
  • I absolutely love Oxyelite pro...but they are reformulating it to take out the DMAA so I would strongly suggest that if you love this product buy as much as you can before it's gone.
  • mine is usually lunch or dinner but I was told it is best to "eat breakfast like a king and dinner like a pauper"
  • Yes you can eat junk food and lose weight but you'd be severely limiting your food choices. It doesn't matter what kind of calories you get if you have a calorie deficit you will lose weight. But if you choose junk food you will be wasting large amounts of calories on small items. Here is the link for the "twinkie diet" if…
  • I totally get where you're coming from...I gained 30 pounds after I got married for some reason (animals get fatter in captivity???) and I was already almost 300 to begin with. But you've completed the first step to losing weight and that is you are sick and tired of being fat and tired and that's what is going to make you…
  • I just bought a Polar FT4 and was completely heartbroken to find out that in a 45-50 minute zumba class I am only burning around 450 calories and not the 600 my sportline HRM wristwatch was telling me, as well as about half of what I thought I was burning on the elliptical machine.
  • I was using a sportline wrist HRM and it clocked usually around 100 more calories burned than the cardio machines at the gym, but less than the calorie burned calculators onine. This polar FT4 said I burned only 446 calories in 53 minutes doing zumba on the wii, while the exact same workout with the wrist HRM clocked me at…
  • tomayto tomahto same thing...ephedrine comes from ephedra except the pharmaceutical kinds thats synthetic but yall get the gist of what I'm saying :ohwell:
  • its because too many people abuse it. There are lots of things out there that are bad for you and they don't ban them. It's just a matter of being responsible for yourself. I used to use metabolife too when it was out and it worked great but after they took the ephedra out it was just a glorified vitamin pill.
  • I think you'll be okay. I've lost about 23 lbs too, and you gotta treat yourself once in a while. after 2 weeks of only losing a 1lb a week I knew I'd hit a plateau so I had a weekend where I ate whatever I wanted to get my metabolism back up and now the weight is coming off again. your weight fluctuates 2-3 lbs during the…
  • well you were a nurse so you already know "all natural" doesn't necessarily mean good for you...things I found to watch out for are things like ephedrine (DUH! right!) guarana extract, anything with caffeine, 1,3-Dimethylamylamine (its like ephedrine but hasn't been banned yet but IS considered a performance enhancing drug…
  • OMG a lot of psych drs are backed up the wazzoo in appointments and if you don't have good insurance or are on state/govt insurance there is up to a 2-3 month wait for new pt appt unless you go to the pysch emergency. I know a low-income clinic in Dallas has a 4 month wait.
  • ^^^ *BUMP* very true! so will some diet pills that have stimulants in them like caffine, guarana extract, and any thermogenic fat burner
  • go get checked. And don't take any diet pills with stimulants or caffeine until you know because that will send you into mania where you do crazy **** before thinking about it...like oxypro elite or hydroxycut stuff like that.
  • So what does all this mumbo jumbo mean in a nutshell? That I should be doing cardio in 30 minute sessions and would 2 30 mintute sessions of cardio at different times of day burn the same amount of fat each time?
  • ^^^ BUmP!
  • I found a really good cheat meal.....if you LOVE chicken alfredo at olive garden (which is over 1400 calories for one plate) there is a dish which cheese ravioli called Shrimp Mezzaluna with white wine sauce and it is....wait for it.....630 calories!!! you can substitute chicken for shrimp I suppose but it was just as good…
  • Well part of why everyone says it works is because they start dieting along with the 24-day challenge and don't take into account that if they dieted anyway they would lose weight. PLUS if its in your mind that these product WILL help you lose weight then that also plays a role. When Dr Oz took 100 women and gave 50 a…
  • Okay now that I've been called "dumb" by more than a few persons (and thanks for that, saying I was in error would have been just fine) let me clarify...people who use low carb diets to lose weight quickly lose it, but in order to keep it off you STILL have to count calories in and out so why deprive yourself of certain…
  • thanks everyone who replied....I am taking a BCAA supplement Catalyst from Adovocare but I am switching to a more potent amino acid one next month from GNC. It helps repair and build muscle and keeps me from getting too sore after workouts. even though I'm trying to lose weight I am trying to build muscle at the same time…
  • Thanks...I know I will never be a size 6 with my body type but I wouldn't mind being 200 lbs if it was muscle and not fat
  • not only will you gain weight back when you stop the diet, there have been studies done with people who did atkins and people who lost weight old fashioned way (calorie defecit and exercise) and at the end of a year they all lost the same amount of weight. The atkins just lost it faster but had same end result as the ones…
  • Once you start eating carbs again all that weight you lost will come back with a vengance! So unless you plan on eating like that for the rest of your life calorie deficit is the only way to go.
  • GNC has a supplement with 200mg of Svetol (the kind dr oz suggests) green coffee bean extract AND raspberry ketones for like $39 for months supply. I am going to try that one.
  • it is awesome...except that some people (not you) abuse it...oxy elite pro is not allowed to be sold on ANY US military base because 2 soldiers dropped dead of heart attacks during PT while using that. It's got an ingredient in it like ephedrine and I would not be surprised if it gets banned in the next few years. Plus if…
  • I just went to that site LMAO!!
  • don't forget to calculate your basal calorie rate and subtract that from your cardio burned...like for example I burn 87 calories watching TV so if I burn 1000 calories doing zumba I subtract 87 and use the net calories burned so I don't double dip.
  • what kind of heart rate monitor did you get? Im looking into getting one but they're expensive