

  • Thanks!! This has been a great help and motivater. It is so wonderful have this website with so many wonderful, caring people who know exactly what you have been through, are going through, and how you feel. Thanks again!!!!!
  • Thanks! I am certainly going to make it one of my top priorities. Just makes it that much harder because my husband smokes as well and I KNOW that he has no desire to quite (although he NEEDS to very badly). On the other hand, if I do, maybe he will follow suit....
  • fat free chocolate pudding with some fat free cool whip on top???
  • I applaud and admire you for having the strength to quit cold turkey after so many years of smoking. I myself smoke and having just started dieting and exercising I'm afraid to quit. At this point I feel like I need to lose the weight first, but gosh it sure would be easier to exercise if I didn't get so winded from being…
  • Thanks MO! I think this site will be a great help... Congrats on your weight loss, I hope to lose that and then some! I did it once about 6 years ago, losing 60 lbs. Since then I have gained almost all of back. Much harder this time around, being 6 years older doesn't help!!!
  • THANKS!!