True this.
It is your choice because it is your body. If getting bigger breasts makes you feel more confident then go for it. However be awar of the health risks with breast implants such as back pains, blowouts, etc. Stretch marks come with weight loss and pregnancy. Hard to help that besides using lotion and creams. As for me, I'm…
Calories are king. Just make sure to get all the nutrition and vitamins you need by eating fruits and veggies while you diet. Like someone said, 1 monster cookie is all it takes to make that 50 minute high intensity cardio vanish.
You sound like an amazing and upbeat woman to be around Ms. Historic. I admire your struggle and courage to keep moving forward ( I know historians hate the idea of progress but in this case let us make an exception) haha. I am sorry your partner had a different view on life when it came to food but I think you will…
Have almost double that I want to lose to get back into the shape I used to be so please, everyone here, add me!
Eating greasy food in large amounts over the course of one's life kill's just as many people as tobacco and is arguably just as harmful in the long run. I don't think it is lawfully right to tax food since it is not a drug like nicotine but I think raising the price obese people pay for healthcare would help motivate…
Thank you! Everything in moderation.
Head turner in high heels :)
If you are thinking of doing this, then why not just go Paleo and try that out instead?
I will help you if you help me. FR sent.