terriveller Member


  • After a life time of sitting on the sidelines because I was worried about how I looked in a swimsuit, or gym clothes i decided to take control and go out and enjoy doing things and not worried about how I look. I love swimming and working out at the gym and no one has ever made me feel that I was inferior. Started out at…
  • All are great ideas. Important to get md clearance before starting an exercise program. Walking, swimming, nu step or recumbent elliptical are great places to start. It doesn't matter if you can only do two or three minutes increase by 15-30 seconds everyday and soon you will be able to do a full workout. If you start…
  • Thanks to all for the input. Just impatient to lose the water weight and the edema but I know it will drop.
  • Thanks, I forgot to change settings. I had planned on doing it but completely forgot.
  • Patience, increasing water consumption and determination that scale is not going to control my journey. Weight loss is not linear. No matter how well you count your calories and track the exercise there are going to be weeks when you see the number on the scale and it's going to be wth did I work hard all week and no…
  • Do you have access to a pool? Before you start any program I would check with your doctor first or physical therapist. Water exercise should help maintain muscle strength without aggravating primary problem. Upper body exercises great but need to maintain lower body strength also. Good luck on your journey.
  • His offspring are chilling in a controlled climate throughout this great land waiting for their farewell toast.
  • Agree that slow gradual weight loss will minimize loose skin, also drinking 6-8 glasses on H20 daily will help.
  • Hi everyone. 5'9" SW 260 CW 227 1st goal weight 199 (puts me out of obese range on bmi) Final goal yet to be decided, probably in 150 range but been so long since I have seen those numbers have forgotten what it feels like. Lol.
  • Like to occasionally add a little garlic or Cajun seasoning to butter. Hope it's still makes it as grilled cheese.
  • Depends on goals. Is your goal purely weight loss or is your goal to be healthy and decrease risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke etc. No argument that decreasing calories below daily expenditure will result in weight loss. However cdc estimates are that 7 million americans have undiagnosed diabetes which is a direct…
  • Congrats on quitting smoking. Had the same problem, quit smoking in January, gained 13 pounds back, post menopausal...now back on track. I have lost the extra weight and heading toward my first goal. Take things one at a time. Quitting smoking is critical to weight loss, after a few months your breathing improves and you…
  • I was the same way for years. 18 months ago when I started this journey I started a journal. I listed foods that usually got me in trouble. I also listed foods that while not necessarily good food for weight loss were foods I couldn't fathom completely living without. Short list included red wine, dark chocolate and…
  • Quesadilas with lots of grilled veggies/grilled chicken or steak/ small amount of cheese/lots of picante sauce. I use different spices to vary the routine anything from cajun to italian. Easy and fast to make.
  • Do you have access to pool. Swimming or even walking in pool is great exercise and easy on back or joint issues. Don't give up, it sounds like you are on the right track to lose weight. Weight fluctuates all the time depending on salt intake, exercise or just because it wants to drive you crazy when you are looking for a…
  • Does your doctors office have a nutritionist you can see. Mfp is great and has a lot of great support, but dealing with specific health issues you also need a nutritionist that knows your blood values and the meds you are on to determine daily goals of sodium, proteins etc. Too much of certain things the average dieter can…
  • It helps your body naturally decrease bad cholesterol levels, along with things like cheerios and whole grain foods.
  • Try a powder that has miconazole or antifungal it will help better and make sure you are drinking enough h20. It will increase elasticity of your skin, decreasing your need to have surgery for excess skin.
  • Swimming is great exercise and low impact. I need both knees replaced and have been in a lot less pain since starting to swim. A lot of places that have pools also have programs certified by arthritis foundation. You should however see your doctor before starting exercise program to see what you can handle. Promise it will…