hellonursejamie Member


  • If this is strictly indoor all I would do would wear a one piece bathing suit in the swim and have bike shorts waiting for you at the transition. If you are not looking to get into the sport for outdoor there would be no reason for you to spend a lot of money on stuff you might use once or twice. I am pretty heavy into…
  • I know what you mean. On my unit we do not get breaks until after midnight and honestly I am so hungry at that point. I think that I just eat my first meal when I wake up and call that breakfast. Lunch is before work and dinner is 1-2am. On my normal days I just treat it the same. I just pretend that it isn't the next day…
  • I completely agree with you. i tend to over do things and ended up getting hurt due to over use. I had 5 whole months to revaluate and ended up getting a coach. He is worth his weight in gold. Not only does he plan my workouts for my AB and C races but reels me in when he thinks that I might be taking on too much. I have…