JetsterDajet Member


  • Last year, in my first week of eating right and exercising every day, I went from 424 to 404, so 20lbs. I'm sure a lot of it was water weight, but after that is was about 2-4lbs a week.
  • Alright, I'm going to take some of this advice and scale back the intensity. Before I was hitting the gym six days a week and doing one hour on the elliptical and with weight training every day. As I said before, caloric intake was at about 1500 calories per day, with every seventh day being around 2500-3000. I'm scaling…
  • Thanks, this has probably got me thinking the most. I know that 1500 calories is a bit low for me as my BMR is something like 4200 by my last calculations. I suppose that its possible I was getting discouraged with my results. I figured that burning 1000 calories a day and ending each day with a 3500 calorie deficit was…
  • Good stuff, my man. I actually bought a new belt the other day as well, but lost it some point between the car and my house. I don't think I've ever lost something so fast.