

  • There was a great post in the forums a while ago about someone who was under eating and not losing weight as a result. Although initially you see a good weight loss, eating too little will slow your metabolism significantly and make it difficult to lose weight. If you start measuring your food and realise that this is the…
  • I don't do cheat days. I allow myself the odd treat but always do additional exercise to make up for it either before or afterwards. If you want to be successful in losing weight you need to understand the implications of eating certain foods. You need to think of it more as a lifestyle change rather than a diet, so don't…
  • I make my owns soups for lunch each day. This week I am on lentil, bean, tomato and chilli. Cheap to make, low in calories and high in protein! I'm also making my own seitan (protein rich meat substitute made from wheat gluten), only £3.60 for a bag of wheat gluten and it will last me about a month!
  • Tonight I bravely tried on my beautiful blue dress that I want to wear to my works Christmas party. I never actually grew out of this due to the shape but when I put on this weight my boobs got so big they wouldn't stay in it! (so I guess I did grow out of it!) Tonight, it fits me again and I actually look good :) I'm not…
  • This is only my 2nd week back on MFP but I have taken the stairs to work every day (I work on the 22nd floor) and worked out most evenings. I have only had one weigh in since returning but have lost 1lb so far. I am hoping to lose a minimum of 1lb a week during November and continue to exercise regularly and eat better…
  • Me! I want to get rid of as much as I can by Christmas. As I have a desk job I need to make sure I exercise daily or I don't burn enough calories, I'm determined to push myself hard to get the ball rolling!
  • Hi I'm Jo I put on weight when I gave up smoking 3 years ago and have been working to lose it again. By last Christmas I had lost a stone but then went up and down again throughout the year. I am looking to lose another stone by Christmas this year to bring be back to a weight I am more comfortable with and hopefully the…
  • My work just booked us in for a traditional afternoon tea instead of a Christmas meal in December.... it'll take a lot of exercise to balance out that sugar intake! I did refuse the doughnuts that they brought into the office today though so feeling very proud of that :) What about a calorie burn challenge? We can…
  • I use 30 day shred and if the weather isn't too bad I like to go running. Apparently running is one of the best ways to lose weight and the more I do it the further I go and more calories I burn. Plus, it's free!
  • I don't know what surface your normally run on but road running is high impact and can cause knee problems. You could try running on grass to reduce the impact, or try taking up a class like spinning to build your muscles. I regularly do half marathons and have suffered knee pain myself in the past. You could try a knee…
  • I started going to spin classes a couple of months ago and I think they're brilliant. They encourage me to work a lot harder than I otherwise would in the gym and I'm really starting to notice the difference in my hips, thighs and overall wobbly bits. I say go for it, you might find you really love it!
  • Squats and lunges to build some strength in your legs, spin classes are great too. Keep doing what you are doing though as that is the best way to build your distance.