

  • Well, today I had 2 pieces of toast and 1/4 cup walnuts with a few dried cranberries on top of the walnuts and a cup of coffee. The plant protiens are really good for you and the type of fat in them is good fat. yes, there is good and bad fats. but that and tons of exercise has really cut back my eating today. For lunch I…
  • Hey. I'm 110 lbs overweight. I gained most of it in less than 3 years. I am trying to lose weight myself but have no support. I have 3 small kids ( all in Elementary), I have 4 dogs, 2 cats, and a garter snake. I also have a super tiny rabbitry in the back yard. My pets keep me busy! I don't know how this weight got on me.…
  • Hey. I just started too. This is my second day. I thought I should eat normally before making changes. You can add me. I will be on everyday to update everything. I am 25 and have had 4 children. 3 live with me. The fourth was adopted by a pre K teacher and pastor. She just turned one and I see her twice a week. I have at…