

  • I definitely need some motivation! (Also need to change this to kilometres - it's about 25, for anyone else whose treadmills, brains, etc are in km...) STARTING WEIGHT: 157 THIS WEEK’S WEIGH IN: 157 WEEK 2: Goal: 156, Actual: ## MON - Workout Km: 2 Sodium: 3683 (!!!) TUE - Workout Km: ## Sodium: ## WED - Workout Km: ##…
  • I have one and I love it. I go through phases where I play it every day, and then don't play for a few weeks, but it's a ton of fun. Calories and weight aren't very accurate (especially because I have to have it on the carpet) but that doesn't really matter. The boxing and martial arts games are my favourites.
  • I know it's late but I still want to play! The class I signed up for ends this week so I'll need some motivation beyind "I already paid for this" to keep me going! Sunday, December 5th Nancy - 4 Dounia - 3 Mollie - 4 Jill - 4 Lana - 4 Amie - 3 Mia - 2 sarah-1 Lee- 2 Diana (hessond) - 4 Cnbethea - 3 CHOCOLICKKYSS - 4 Teetee…
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