

  • I had a similar issue when I increased my exercise from 90 minutes a week to 180 minutes a week. For weeks, everybody told me that I had to be sure to eat my exercise calories, so that my net calories were at least covering my basic calorie requirement (PS MFP's caluations are way off. It tells most all women to eat 1,200…
  • Great post! I increased my work outs a few weeks ago and promptly hit a dieting plateau. Friends advised me to eat more to make up for the extra calories that I was burning, but that sounded insane, so I ignored them. Then after 2 1/2 weeks of continuing to lose and regain the same 2 lbs, I gave in and tried eating more…
  • You have to take body frame/type into consideration. 140 lbs for one person is not the same for another. My mom is 5'4" and I'm 5'5", but we are built completely differently. She has a very small frame and doesn't build muscle like I do, so I can weigh 15 lbs more than her and still wear a size smaller than she does.
  • Congrats on being so close to your goal! I'm 5'5" and my goal weight is the 130-135 range, so I know that goal weight puts us about in the middle of our healthy weight range. Technically, I guess you could lower your goal a bit, but first I'd try doing ab excerises. Even though I'm further from the goal than you are, I…
  • I just turned 43 a few weeks ago and I have lost almost 35 lbs in the past 4 months, so it can be done. I never had a problem with my weight until I had a baby at 38, and then spent a few years thinking that the extra weight was just what happens when you hit a certaing age. Then this past fall, I had a wake up call and…
  • Oh and nuts are great too, just be sure to weigh your portions, because they are very high in calories and fat. I usually do one 14grams (1/2 an ounce) serving at a day, which is 85-100 calories depending upon the type of nut.
  • You don't have to cut out the chocolate completely. Dark chocolate (especially if it has more than 70% cocoa) is filled with antioxidants, and because it is more flavorful, you can satisify that craving with a smaller amount. When I get a chocolate craving, I allow myself one 10 gram square of Intense Dark (72% cocoa)…