Llamos4110 Member


  • I like the Lifetime Fitness brand (Strength Stack).
  • What a wonderful idea! I have a really hard time resisting food "in the moment" myself. My mantra for the last few weeks has been, "Don't give up what you want MOST for what you want right NOW". It doesn't work every time, but it works often enough to see me losing weight instead of gaining it! Good luck!
  • I have mine open to friends. I am much more apt to make a healthy decision that way. I don't mind when my friends don't open theirs, but if they do, I do look every day- mostly because I have been able to borrow some really great and yummy ideas! I only offer my thoughts when they have specifically asked for someone to…
  • Homemade falafel "burger" on Ezekial 4:9 Sprouted Grain English muffin with mixed greens tossed with balsamic vinigar, EVOO, and nutritional yeast, and steamed zucchini.
  • Soup thermoses are also great for keeping casserole leftovers hot until lunchtime.
  • I think, for so many of us, being heavy has led to feelings of hurt from perceived judgement by those we meet. MFP is a- mostly- safe place where we can help one another feel better about ourselves and get healthy. If someone posts "help", I do think offering our own experiences is very helpful. Complaining about and…
  • Good morning, everyone! I am an optimistic, enthusiastic morning person who also happens to be wife, mother of three, pastoral minister, reader, knitter, movie-lover, wanna-be-runner. I'm also a two year vegan. Glad to see so many veg friends here! I'm always happy to make new friends.
  • I love getting to learn about all of you and it's fun to hear everyone's reasons for eating a plant-based diet! My own story is a combination. I realized when nursing my third baby that everytime I ate dairy, he got sick, so I quit eating it. I felt so good and realized for the first time I had been sick for years. I was…
  • Being male or female is irrelevant. I am female, vegan, and my iron levels are better than most meat eaters. Good nutrition prevents anemia. Anyone who eats too little iron and vitamin C will be iron deficient.