

  • These stats are simply because of the ease of access to fast food. Even just 10 years ago home cooked meals that took time to prepare were much more common and it helped to prevent people from over eating on a daily basis. Now that you can stay in your car and tell a talking box how much fatty food you would like to toss…
  • I know I am accurate when estimating calorie intake. I weigh every piece of cut meat I eat on a oz scale and I record every single thing I eat in mfp. I am likely within 2% on my numbers for every day. I have an extremely good idea of what is in my body at all times. Its the issue of knowing what my body needs. I tend to…
  • Calorie intake per day of 1,200 calories on rest days and 1,600 calories on workout days. Hike days are closer to 3,500 with higher fat and proteins since I typically burn over 4,000 calories in the 5-6 hour hikes Proteins 100-110 grams a day I easily meet this goal 6/7 days a week only fall short on some rest days. But…
  • My take on cheat days is not even once. BUT THATS JUST ME! Hear me out. I have ADD ADHD OCD ODD all the medical crap you can get diagnosed as a kid. I found that if I allow myself to cheat once that it makes it so much more simple for me to cheat the second time around. Some people don't have this problem. If you can take…
  • Whenever I plateau I add activia to my diet and usually try to do a 1 in 3 booster day. I continue my diet 2 out of 3 days and have 2 days a week where I eat fillers and try to get over the 2000 calorie number with good filling foods either high in protein or high in carbs. I find that doing this helps kick start my…