Cheat days are good for your mental long as you discipline yourself to 1 meal a week. You mention that you have lost only 7 and a bit lbs, but what about your measurements??? have you lost inches? I find that my motivation goes way up when I realize that the inches are gone, even if the LBS haven't . Good Luck…
30's - 50's....did the 60's, 70's and 80's....should have invested in hair spray in the 80's, I would have been rich!
you have every right to be excited! just temper it with being realistic, at some point it may slow down. Just be prepared for that day and celebrate the smaller losses. Congratulations and keep up the good work and motivation!
Oat Bran pancake - made with 1 egg white, tbsp FF greek yogurt, and 2tbs oat bran topped with FF/SF strawberry yogurt..
First, congratulations on the amount of weight you have lost! It is absolutely amazing. As for the Whooping cough, I feel for you....I had it last year and it was the most miserable 4 months of my life. Take it a day at a time and do what your body tells you it needs. Gentle exercise was what worked for me, but not during…
Drop the boyfriend, its the easiest weight you will ever lose! Good luck and stick to your goals and dreams.
keep up your positive attitude and tell those not supporting you to take a flying leap! They aren't concerned with your welfare. Good luck with the surgery and recovery! What you have done to date is amazing and inspirational!
Need to lose 60 Lbs, and get healthy!
Well done! Keep up whatever you are doing! Cheers:happy:
Went for a light 1 mile walk with the dog, great morning!