

  • You are correct. It's simple physics: when more calories are burned than consumed, you will lose weight. A 3500 calorie per week deficit (burning 500 calories a day more than you consume) will result in losing 1 pound per week. A 7000 calorie per week deficit, two pounds per week. At a diet averaging 1800 calories per day,…
  • I feel your pain on this topic. Try comparing a picture of yourself 22.2 lbs ago with the new ones. You *will* see a difference. And congratulations on FEELING better and feeling thinner!! That, my friend, is a significant win! Keep up the good work, you will be happy with the results.
  • I think if you love something, giving it up completely isn't going to work long-term. You have to fit it back into your life when you are ready. Sounds like you've already found your balance! [/quote] This is so true! It's not a "DIET", it's a "LIVE-IT." You are training yourself to eat healthier and get more exercise. As…
  • Eden Prairie, MN here.
  • I agree, plateaus are HARD! I've just started in this program, but about 15 years ago I lost 105 pounds and kept it off more than 10 years Some has slowly crept back on, so I'm back in the game. Took almost 4 years to lose that much (men lose faster than women) and the thing that kept me going through plateaus (even one…