

  • Wow wow WOW! Thank you so much for breaking that down for me. I hope mfp pays you for that kind of insight... Really appreciate it! Definitely helped put some perspective on things. Not looking for a miracle just glad to know some better ideas to balance my goals. I'm following the goodlife fitness 14 week half-marathon…
  • Love this. Running the Rock n Roll Half in Vegas in November. Just want to follow. :)
  • Well then ladies, let's keep in touch.... for those of you who have had some success thus far, what have been your top 3 activities/strengths/food/habits that have gotten you there?
  • Anybody still in this thread? I fit exactly into this realm (thoug instead of ibs i have ibd!) i am starting at 142 lbs with a goal of 118. I am 5'4 and while 130 is the weight i told myself i would never surpass unless pregnant..... I sure passed it! I'm hoping to lose 8-10 lbs by end of september, which, considering how…