mexicook Member


  • Nova Scotia, originally from NL :smile:
  • I start on Friday! (Optifast 900 in Canada) This place is great for support! Good Luck to all that have started, just finished, or about to start. Feel free to add me!:smile:
  • I start optifast on Friday! Loking forward to it, but also a little nervous. Anyone is free to add me as a friend, I would love the support!
  • I'm starting next week, feel free to add me as friend. I've found that support from other optifast users very helpful. There are quite a few optifast users on here, and the ones I've added so far have been very positive! Good luck with it!
  • Optifast is only sold in Canada via a health program (not sure about other countries). I'm starting next week. I had to be fully checked by doctor before enrolling and we have weekly visits with a GP, they monitor us very close, while also giving us three hour group sessions every week on how to break unhealthy habits, how…
  • Great info! I'm about to start a 52 week program, first four weeks it's a 1200 cal/day, then for twelve weeks we follow optifast 900. We then transition slowly, with 3 shakes/1meal, 2 shakes/2meals etc. I'm happy to have found this thread! Anyone who would like to add me, please do! Looking for all the support I can handle!
  • I've just enrolled in a one year program that includes the use of optifast shakes for twelve weeks. The remainder of the program consists of breaking old habits, learning how to properly fuel your body and maintain a healthy weight. The shakes don't start for another 4 weeks, they start by reducing us to a 1200 calorie day…