antigone23 Member


  • When I started using a HRM (Polar FT4), I found that I was actually burning MORE calories than MFP said I was. So, I would not automatically assume MFPs estimates are high.
  • I have a HRM (I'm 5'5", 170lbs, 30 years old) and my average burn in a 1 hour class is about 500-550 cals. That allows me to stay within my target heart rate zone. I once burned 665 calories but my heart rate was in the red zone for a lot of the workout. I would say that is an overestimate for me. I feel…
  • You look amazing! I think this is just the curse of being the apple shape. Our bodies are always going to dump what little fat we have in our abdomen, and extra fat in the belly is just not as socially acceptable as extra fat on the butt, hips or even legs. To be honest I think this is one of the reasons I had an eating…
  • I don't have pics but I have lost a total of 12 lbs this year, some of it before I joined MFP, and it feels like most of it has come off around my legs, so I am more of an apple than ever. SO frustrating! I wish I could lose 0 more pounds from my legs, butt and hips, and lose it all from my chest, stomach, and arms. But -…
  • I had a really rough recovery from my first baby, who turns 2 in December, and am still 6 lbs over my pre-pregnancy weight, after losing 12 lbs so far this year. We want to start trying again next year so I'm hoping to lose at least the 6 lbs and hopefully more. Seeing how hard it was for me to lose the baby weight the…
  • I think they are great for beginners and I'm sure the longer ones are still a good workout for people who are more intermediate. But, I find them mind numbingly boring and can't do one for longer than 30 minutes. I also find her chatter annoying. I prefer more dancy type cardio with more variation in choreography.
  • The class is more motivating to me. It's different every time whereas I get bored doing the same routines on DVD or the Wii game. The other thing I don't like about the Wii game is it focuses on getting the moves exactly correct. I know I don't do everything correct, my aim is to have fun and keep moving. Plus when I work…
  • I put it under aerobic's something like 333 calories for 55 minutes. If anything, i think that's a little low, but I don't have a HRM yet.
  • I'm doing the MFP default (55/25/15) and I'm overall happy with it. I am a longtime vegetarian and most of my protein sources also have carbs. I don't feel full or satisfied without carbs. Even 40/30/30 would be impossible for me.
  • I've been diagnosed with PCOS, but I have a different version of it. I'm not insulin resistant and I did not respond to metformin. I don't cut carbs because I don't think it's necessary for me. I have never had regular periods even when I was thin but I definitely have them less and less often, and I have to stay on birth…
  • My legs and butt seem to be the last to gain and the first to lose. I'm definitely an apple shape, very bulky up top and even when I was very thin, I never had a flat tummy. I think the frustration is that my legs are already quite thin. I'd be perfectly happy if they stayed exactly the same and I only lost weight from my…
  • I'm 5'5" and currently about 175. I'm apple shaped with a large bust and wear size 12 jeans. My first goal is to lose the remaining 10 lbs of baby weight. My second goal is to get back down to my pre-sedentary job weight, which was 145. I wore size 8 at that point. I think fat loss/muscle gain is more important than the…
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